Friday, December 14, 2007


Everything you need to know about teaching in the UK. Click on the following links to learn more

Teaching Environment

In England, teachers are miserable
In England, teachers feel like rubbish
In England, teachers go on stress leave
In England, teachers want to quit teaching
In England, teachers kill themselves

Working environment

In England, the students control the classrooms
In England, the inmates run the asylum
In England, teachers are routinely falsely accused of physical and sexual abuse
In England, schools give teachers bad references


Information about bullying in British schools by British teachers and school management against other teachers and staff.

In England, teachers are bullied by school managers
In England, schools treat staff like cattle
In England, teachers are punished for doing their job
In England, teachers commit suicide
How to fight bullying from schools

Credential recognition

QTS - Qualified Teacher Status
Why "unqualified" teachers are allowed to teach
What happens when you get QTS
QTS - Assessment Only Route

Low Standards

In England, teachers are untrained and unqualified
In England, teachers are untrained and unqualified II
In England, students lack basic math and literacy skills
In England, every school manipulates test scores


Schools you do not want to work in

School Management

In England, headteachers bully teachers
In England, teachers think school managers are full of shit
In England, schools give bad references

Student behaviour

You’re thinking about teaching in the UK and want to what is classroom behaviour like. You know that English soccer hooligans went to school once and that England is largely a drinking culture. You might have even heard of horror stories involving English students and wonder, “Are students in England that bad?” The good news is that the answer is no, students in England are not that bad. The bad news is that they are much worst.

What do British teachers think about behaviour in British schools
Scenes from the Battleground - A Teaching Blog

What the...?

No training or qualifications required to teach in England
School bans mother for speaking out!