The Assessment Only Route is intended for experienced teachers who have been teaching for some time but do not have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). There is no training associated with this option. Candidates are required to have the full support of the headteacher of the school in which they are employed.
Candidates are recommended for QTS on the basis of a portfolio of evidence which should demonstrate that they have met the professional standards for QTS, as set out in 'Qualifying to Teach', published by the training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA - All candidates are required to provide documentary evidence of their competence in teaching across two consecutive key stages. For example: Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1; Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
Following the submission of the portfolio there is an assessment visit to the candidate at his/her school to verify the information contained in the portfolio of evidence and to observe the candidate teach. The assessment visit normally lasts for the whole of one school day. In primary schools, the lessons are likely to be with the same class, but for candidates teaching in secondary schools there should be the opportunity for the assessor to observe lessons from two key stages.
The Assessment Only route is available for Primary and Secondary candidates. All applicants must be educated to degree level and must have GSCE passes at Grade C or above (or a recognised equivalent qualification) in English and mathematic. For primary teachers, it is an additional requirement that they have a science GCSE at grade C or above, or a recognised equivalent qualification.
Although applicants must be educated to degree level, the award of QTS following assessment does not carry the award of PGCE.
Applications are accepted at any time of the year and the process can be completed during any term. The time taken to complete the route is variable, but generally takes about one calendar year from registration. Fees are normally covered by the TDA.
For further information please contact:
QTS (Assessment only) Administrator
Department of Education
University of Gloucestershire
Francis Close Hall
Swindon Road
GL50 4AZ
Tel: 01242 714852